1. Nagrada PLAYSTATION 5
2.Nagrada nori boni
3.Nagrada xxxx
4.Vsi člani na vse izdelke 10% popust (Thrustmaster, Sony Fanatec, in vse ostalo)
5.GT Sport samo 14EUR
6.xxxxxx….in še mnogo drugih reči!
Začenjamo NOVO sezono v Gran Turismo SPORT PS4 igri, gre že za 6 sezono GTSS 6 ,(ja že 3tje leto ), katera se začenja 1.01.2020 in traja do konca marca 2k20. Prijave do 1.01.2020!
Imeti PS4 igralno konzolo in GT SPORT igro,psn naročnino, volan ali ne, kdor bo vozil z nami celo sezono, lahko pri nas dobi GT SPORT PS4 za samo 14EUR in PS4 za 10% ceneje ali volan itd….
Potrebno je imeti dobro voljo, in veselje do dirkaške igre, lahko nam enostavno pomagaš, spoštujemo vse ideje in vso vašo pomoč, pridruži se nam in se prijavi ŽE DANES:
-odprte prijave vsaj za 5 do 7 mest , za server 1, v primeru več tekmovalcev bomo imeli tudi sv2 ali celo sv3.
BREZPLAČNE PRIJAVE ZA VSE VAS, (prijavnine 20EUR NI, ) prijavi se na naš meil brezplačno:
Potrebujemo tvoj ime in priimek in psn ime, nick name psn ime!
Kdaj in kje in kako vozimo?
Vozimo skor vsak dan, treningi…
Tekmovanja večina ob nedeljah
Treningi vsak dan
Na novo tudi server 24h, kjer lahko treniraš vsak dan
Najboljše nagrade do sedaj!
Kdo dobi PS5?, Ne rabiš biti prvi, v celi sezoni, lahko si celo zadnji in prejmeš PS5, kar pomeni, da prideš v žreb , le če boš vozil vsaj 80% dirk (točno shemo še objavimo), zato brez straha, tudi če si na začetku počasnejši, se učiš, nisi nikoli vozil dirkaških iger, se nam pridruži in osvoji i eno od najboljših nagrad!
Kmalu se začenja ZARES! Pohiti in se prijavi na naš meil info@playgame.si
Hvala vsem na sodelovanju, hvala vsem sponzorjem!
Če dobimo več nagrad, se nagradni sklad poveča, več info v bodoče!
Več info, stremi LIVE , prenosi dirk, slike, druženje in še več, najdete tukaj:
2. The crazy bonuses award
3.The xxxx award
4.All members on all products 10% discount (Thrustmaster, Sony Fanatec, and everything else)
5.GT Sport only 14EUR
6.xxxxxx …. and more!
We are starting the NEW season in Gran Turismo SPORT PS4 game, it is already the 6th season of GTSS 6, (for the third year already), which starts on 01/01/2020 and lasts until the end of March 2k20. Applications until 01/01/2020!
Have a PS4 game console and GT SPORT game, psn subscription, steering wheel or not, whoever drives with us all season can get us a GT SPORT PS4 for only 14EUR and PS4 for 10% cheaper or steering wheel etc ….
It is necessary to have good will and pleasure to the racing game, you can easily help us, respect all ideas and all your help, join us and sign up TODAY:
– open applications for at least 5 to 7 places, for server 1, in case of more competitors we will have sv2 or even sv3.
FREE REGISTRATION FOR ALL OF YOU, (registration fee is 20EUR NOT), sign up for our email for free:
We need your first and last name and psn name, nick name psn name!
When and where and how do we drive?
We drive daily, training …
Competitions most on Sundays
Training every day
Also a new 24h server where you can train daily
Who gets the PS5 ?, You don’t have to be the first one, all season long, you can even be the last to receive the PS5, which means you only get to draw at least 80% of the races (we still publish the exact scheme), so fearlessly, even if you are slower at the beginning, you are learning, you have never ridden racing games, join us and win one of the best prizes!
ZARES is starting soon! Hurry up and sign up to our email info@playgame.si
Thank you for your cooperation, thank you to all the sponsors!
If we get more prizes, the prize pool increases, more info in the future!
More info, live streams, race downloads, pictures, socializing and more can be found here: